• View markets regionally: think global, act local!

    View markets regionally: think global, act local!

Markets and distribution are continually on the move.
This makes profound and far-sighted market information indispensable.


  • process information on the global markets for you
  • calculate the potential of markets, globally and regionally
  • calculate your market shares and those of your competitors
  • analyse the cooperation with your distribution partners
  • develop future scenarios
  • derive opportunities and risks



  • Climate analyses

    We carry out ongoing climate surveys of trade outlets and service companies, based on a detailed random sample plan which is representative of the trade and service level. By means of an established enquiry system the companies are questioned about the current situation and future prospects in the industry and in their own company. The findings of the climate survey are condensed to form an index value of the general business climate. Sub-indices for defined product and service sectors can also be identified. BBE Automotive successfully conducts climate analyses in the parts trade, for authorized and independent workshops and for the specialist tyre trade.

  • Aftermarket-Delphi

    For many years now BBE Automotive has held regular expert discussions on the automotive aftermarket with representatives from industry and commerce in order to determine market trends, market volumes (in terms of units and value) and market shares (IAM share). Founded on a structured guideline, the expert survey takes place in several rounds of interviews so as to give feedback on the opinions voiced by the experts and to enable assessments to be revised. Alternatively this can take place using Delphi software. In a real-time Delphi, questionnaires are filled out online and the responses fed back immediately to the participants, enabling them to revise their input directly.

  • Parts purchasing analyses

    Our analyses on parts purchasing are based on targeted surveys at trade and service level. The interviews are carried out throughout Europe from our own call centre. In an initial stage a detailed random sample plan is drawn up which is representative of the distribution structure. An established survey system then identifies where workshops buy their parts, what is expected of the suppliers, and how high satisfaction with and loyalty to the current suppliers is. In addition, potentials for alternative sources are evaluated.

  • Market share analyses

    Our market share analyses are based on targeted surveys at trade and service level. The interviews are carried out throughout Europe from our own call centre. In an initial stage a detailed random sample plan is drawn up which is representative of the distribution structure. An established survey system then identifies for a defined product sector how the development prospects of individual brands are assessed, which brands are being bought and installed, and how high their sales and installation shares are. A market share can then be calculated for the customer’s own brand and for selected competitor brands. In a supplementary shop visit, the available brands and their share of space can be determined.

  • Future scenarios

    We are living and working in times of rapid transformation and volatile environments. In order to succeed, companies need to be equipped for possible courses of development and their consequences. BBE Automotive employs its own method for developing alternative future scenarios. In compact workshops future scenarios for markets and product sectors are deduced based on up-to-date and well-founded data relating to the market environment and consumer behaviour. These influencing factors are evaluated in terms of relevance and uncertainty. Detailed market scenarios are then developed and visualized on the basis of the so-called critical uncertainties. These scenarios can also incorporate extreme visions of the future. In the following step, specific courses of action for the company are identified, ranging from new business segments through to strategy adjustments.

Publications & Links

We regularly survey the sentiment in various sections of the motor vehicle industry. What is the current state of the market at the car dealers, independent workshops, parts retailers and specialist tyre retailers? How do the market players see the future?



“Kfz-Betrieb” industry index "BIX"                            

On a monthly basis we survey the sentiment among the German car dealers and independent vehicle workshops on behalf of the trade journal “kfz-betrieb”. In addition to the general survey, the participants are questioned in each round about special topics of current interest in the industry. The findings are reported on the journal’s website.


BRVneuBRV tyre index "TIX"                    

Three times a year, BBE conducts a survey among specialist tyre retailers to find out what makes the tyre industry tick and what issues are of current concern to the industry. Each round of the survey also addresses special topical themes relevant to the tyre trade. Further information can be found in the Press section of the BRV website (German Tyre Retailer and Vulcanization Trade Association).